245 DTC Bus Route Delhi (Kamla Market - Indira Puri (Loni)) - Delhi Transport Bus & Private Bus schedule information and time table Details:
Find the latest DTC Bus Routes, DTC Time-Table 2025 (For Delhi)
Route Details for DTC Bus Number 245:
Starting Point: Kamla Market
End Point: Indira Puri (Loni)
Stand Wise Route Details for DTC Route 245:
Stop 1: Kamla Mkt
Stop 2: Turkman Gate
Stop 3: Delhi Gate
Stop 4: Darya Ganj
Stop 5: Red Fort
Stop 6: Isbt
Stop 7: Shyam Giri Mandir
Stop 8: Shastri Park
Stop 9: Seelam Pur
Stop 10: Zafrabad School
Stop 11: Babar Pur Extn
Stop 12: Jyoti Nagar
Stop 13: Mig Flats Loni Rd
Stop 14: L.R.Xing
Stop 15: Johri Pur Xing
Stop 16: Jawahar Nagar
Stop 17: Indira Puri
Stop 18: Indira Puri Loni.
Returning Route Details for DTC Bus Number 245:
Starting Point: Indira Puri (Loni)
End Point: Kamla Market
Stand Wise Returning Route Details for DTC Route 245:
Stop 1: Indira Puri Loni.
Stop 2: Indira Puri
Stop 3: Jawahar Nagar
Stop 4: Johri Pur Xing
Stop 5: L.R.Xing
Stop 6: Mig Flats Loni Rd
Stop 7: Jyoti Nagar
Stop 8: Babar Pur Extn
Stop 9: Zafrabad School
Stop 10: Seelam Pur
Stop 11: Shastri Park
Stop 12: Shyam Giri Mandir
Stop 13: Isbt
Stop 14: Red Fort
Stop 15: Darya Ganj
Stop 16: Delhi Gate
Stop 17: Turkman Gate
Stop 18: Kamla Mkt
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